Contact Us

Please identify and contact the correct team from the list below:

External Portal Password Reset

LLWR Data Collection and Inform Reporting

Using the group email address will ensure a quick response to your query, as the mailbox is constantly monitored throughout the working day. However, to help us deal with your issue as quickly as possible, please attach any relevant information (including screen shots of error messages etc.) to your email.


Jobs Growth Wales

Using the group email address will ensure a quick response to your query, as the mailbox is constantly monitored throughout the working day. However, to help us deal with your issue as quickly as possible, please attach any relevant information (including screen shots of error messages etc.) to your email.

The Jobs Growth Wales team also recognise that sometimes it's good to talk face to face. If you would find this helpful, please get in touch.

  • Sam Swift Team Support Officer 03000 259882